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Hymer / Dethleffs cover caps for side windows (asymmetrical)


Cover cap against wind and water, asymmetrical, for under the side window of Hymer or Dethleff motorhomes. This is the type where left and right differ, with an opening at the bottom.

To prevent breakage, the clips are extended and reinforced at the rear. You insert the clips in the ventilation slot.
Dimensions lxwxh: 70 x 12 x 6 mm.
Distance between hooks: 60 mm.


Cover cap against wind and water, asymmetrical, for under the side window of Hymer or Dethleff motorhomes. Also used by other brands, like Fiat. This is the type where left and right differ, with an opening at the bottom.

To prevent breakage, the clips are extended and reinforced at the rear. You insert the clips in the ventilation slot. Please note: if you only have small ventilation holes, these caps will not fit.
Dimensions lxwxh: 70 x 12 x 6 mm.
Distance between hooks: 60 mm.

Also available in other colours. Please mail your request to info@3dclassics.nl.

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Both, Left, Right


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