We make replacement parts with the 3D printer. Exact copies.
Sometimes things go wrong. Parts burn, or get damaged by a passing car, a pole, or whatever. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find replacement parts for classic cars. Particularly parts that look like new are difficult to obtain. 3D classics makes exact copies.
3D Classics redesigns the parts. Complicated parts can be scanned and enhanced. We then print in the desired materials and colours.
The photo shows a Truma grille on the left. Due to a too high temperature of the stove, the grate has partly burned. On the right you see the copy that 3D-classics made for a satisfied customer.

Below you see a hood of an Omnistor awning (Omnistor 5002). A minor impact with an overhanging branch damaged the plastic cover. Next to the damaged original, you will see a copy that 3D Classic made for a satisfied customer.

The corners of a bumper are also vulnerable. The owner of a 1992 Weinsberg Meteor asked 3D Classics to recreate the corner he still had. For the other angle, he wanted a mirror image of the original. Below you can see the result.