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Fiamma awning end cap F50 Zip / F50 Pro / F55 Pro RHS (13.6 cm)


This Fiamma end cap right fits on the right hand side of cassette awnings Fiamma F50PRO 250-550, F50Zip and Fiamma F55PRO 400-550 with a width of 13.6 cm.


This Fiamma end cap right fits on cassette awnings Fiamma F50 Pro 250 – 550, Fiamma F50 Zip and Fiamma F55 Pro 400-550, with a width of 13.6 cm. If the end cap of the cassette of your Fiamma cassette awning is broken, you can easily replace it. Remove the screw, and you can install the new end cap. The type of awning you have is stated on the sticker on the folding arm of the awning. This concerns the right hood (the side where the rotating mechanism is located, the rotating mechanism itself is not part of the hood). Made of durable, recyclable plastic.

Original part number: 03072-01.

Material: PETg.

Many colors available. Send your wish to info@3dclassics.nl

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