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Repair kit for ABS (plastic)


Repairset for ABS-products.

SKU: N/A Category:


Repair kit for damaged ABS products. The set consists of dissolved ABS, mainly used as an adhesive or filler for small cracks. 

The ABS repair kit is available in many colors. The colors can be mixed with each other without any problems. 


Cracks: apply the liquid ABS with a brush to the piece to be repaired and let it flow well into the cracks.

In case of fractures or larger cracks, apply it to both fracture surfaces and press the parts firmly together.

You cannot use the liquid ABS to fill larger holes.

If the liquid ABS is too thin for your purpose, leave the jar open for a while. The solvent evaporates quickly. If the liquid ABS is too thick for your purpose, you can dilute it with acetone.

Please indicate the desired color when placing your order.

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